Who We Are

ole4.jpg - largeBuilder/Supervisor - Ole

Ole has a solid background in building.  He  trained as a Construction Architect for 3 ½ years at the Byggeteknisk Hojskole in Horsens, Denmark.  Ole majored in design, construction and management. From here he went on to work as a project manager on commercial sites for a large building company. A pre-requisite for this course  was that a trade be completed first. Ole trained as a bricklayer. He worked in this area for several years and this gave him  invaluable experience.


In Australia Ole is a registered builder and has been a member of the Master Builders Association since 2001.  He completed a Master Builders Green Living course in 2012. 

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We have 2 skilled carpenters.



We have 2 skilled labourers.


Some of our staff have been with us for over 10 years.



We have used the same contractors for many years, ensuring quality, expertise and experience. Some have been with us since we started our business.





Office Co-ordinator
